Shows for Seniors
Music-making for health and wellness.
Seniors are turning to music-making as not just an enjoyable pastime, but also for the health and wellness benefits: enhanced immune systems, stress reduction, and depression and loneliness prevention.
Most performances that visit Senior and Community centers tend to be presentational, Presto! delivers an interactive experience that entertains as well as educates and stimulates.
After a short introduction of the artists and the format of the performance, the participants are taught a simple lesson in vocal production and then a short section of an opera chorus. Instruments that have been brought along are then distributed and instructions are given on how and when to play them. Everyone will have the opportunity to participate in some way if they choose.
The two Presto! artists will tell the story of an opera plot. They will then act out a majority of the roles and sing highlights of the opera using an abridged script and representative costumes and props. The audience is encouraged to interact throughout by singing the choral excerpt, saying lines when prompted, or playing sound effects on instruments we have provided. The program ends with a question and answer session or guided discussion on the creation of an opera.
Contact Us for booking information!